Source code for Cauldron.base.dispatcher

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Implements the abstract-base Keyword and Service classes used for dispatchers. 
This piece of Cauldron is a rough mock of :mod:`DFW`, the dispatcher side interface.

from __future__ import absolute_import

import abc
import six
import weakref
import logging
import warnings
import collections
import time
from ..compat import WeakOrderedSet
from .core import _BaseKeyword, _BaseService
from ..config import read_configuration
from ..exc import CauldronAPINotImplemented, NoWriteNecessary, CauldronXMLWarning, WrongDispatcher, CauldronWarning
from ..utils.helpers import api_not_required, api_not_implemented, api_required, api_override
from ..utils.callbacks import Callbacks
from ..bundled import ktlxml
from ..api import STRICT_KTL_XML
from .. import registry

__all__ = ['Keyword', 'Service']

def get_dispatcher_XML(service, name):
    """Check that the XML for the dispatcher is correct.
    Checks that if this service has a dispatcher value, that it
    matches the keyword's dispatcher value.
    if service.dispatcher != None:
        keyword_node = service.xml[name]
        dispatcher_node = ktlxml.get.dispatcher(keyword_node)
        dispatcher = ktlxml.get.value(dispatcher_node, 'name')
        return dispatcher
    return None

def get_initial_XML(xml, name):
    """Get the keyword's initial value from the XML configuraton.
    :param xml: The XML tree containing keywords.
    :param name: Name of the keyword.
    keyword_xml = xml[name]
    initial = None
    for element in keyword_xml.childNodes:
        if element.nodeName != 'serverside' and \
           element.nodeName != 'server-side':
        server_xml = element
        for element in server_xml.childNodes:
            if element.nodeName != 'initialize':
            # TODO: this loop could check to see if
            # there is more than one initial value,
            # rather than immediately halting the
            # iteration.
                initial = ktlxml.getValue (element, 'value')
            except ValueError: # pragma: no cover
            # Found a value, stop the iteration.
        if initial != None:
            # Found a value, stop the iteration.
    return initial

[docs]class Keyword(_BaseKeyword): """A dispatcher-based keyword, which should own its own values.""" _ALLOWED_KEYS = set(['value', 'name', 'readonly', 'writeonly']) def __init__(self, name, service, initial=None, period=None): name = str(name).upper() super(Keyword, self).__init__(name=name, service=service) if service.get(name, None) is not None: raise ValueError("keyword named '%s' already exists." % name) self._acting = False self._callbacks = Callbacks() self._history = collections.deque(maxlen=100) self.writeonly = False self.readonly = False self._period = None try: if service.xml is not None: dispatcher = get_dispatcher_XML(service, name) if dispatcher != service.dispatcher: if STRICT_KTL_XML: raise WrongDispatcher("service dispatcher is '%s', dispatcher for %s is '%s'" % (service.dispatcher, name, dispatcher)) warnings.warn(CauldronXMLWarning("Service {0} dispatcher '{1}' does not match keyword {2} dispatcher '{3}'".format(, service.dispatcher, name, dispatcher))) if initial is None: initial = get_initial_XML(service.xml, name) except Exception as e: if STRICT_KTL_XML: raise else: warnings.warn("XML setup for keyword '{0}' failed. {1}".format(name, e), CauldronXMLWarning) # Handle XML-specified initial values here. self.initial = str(initial) if period is not None: self.period(period) service[] = self def __contains__(self, value): if self.value == None: return False if value in self.value: return True return False def _ktl_readonly(self): """Read only key.""" return self.readonly def _ktl_writeonly(self): """Write only key.""" return self.writeonly
[docs] def callback(self, function, remove=False): """Register a function to be called whenever this keyword is set to a new value.""" if remove: return self._callbacks.discard(function) self._callbacks.add(function)
[docs] def check(self, value): """Check that 'value' is appropriate for this keyword. If it is not, raise a value error.""" pass # pragma: no cover
[docs] def translate(self, value): """Translate a value into a standard representation.""" return value
[docs] def set(self, value, force=False): """Set the keyword to the value provided, and broadcast changes. :param value: The keyword value. :param bool force: Whether to force the change, or ignore repeatedly setting a keyword to the same value. """ value = self.translate(value) if value == self.value and force is False: return if not (isinstance(value, six.string_types) or value is None): raise TypeError("{0}: Value must be string-like, got {1}".format(self, value)) self.check(value) self._history.append((value, time.time())) self.value = value if value != None: self._broadcast(value) self._propogate()
@property def value(self): """Map .value to ._last_value, the cauldron internal location of this variable.""" return self._last_value @value.setter def value(self, value): """Setter for .value""" self._last_value = value @value.deleter def value(self): """Deleter for .value""" self._last_value = None @abc.abstractmethod def _broadcast(self, value): """An internal method to be used to actually broadcast the value via the service.""" pass # pragma: no cover @api_override
[docs] def preread(self): """Take some action before this value is read. Called at the start of :meth:`update`.""" pass # pragma: no cover
[docs] def prewrite(self, value): """Any actions which need to occur before a value is written. Called to adjust the value in :meth:`modify`. This can raise :exc:`NoWriteNecessary` if a write is not necessary. """ if self.value == value: raise NoWriteNecessary("Value unchanged") self.check(value) return value
[docs] def write(self, value): """Write the value to the authority source. Called to adjust the value in :meth:`modify`.""" pass # pragma: no cover
[docs] def read(self): """Read the value from the authority source. Called to get the value for :meth:`update`.""" return self.value
[docs] def schedule(self, appointment=None, cancel=False): """Schedule an update.""" pass # pragma: no cover
[docs] def period(self, period): """How often a keyword should be updated.""" pass # pragma: no cover
def _propogate(self): """Propagate the change to any waiting callbacks.""" if not self._acting: try: self._acting = True self._callbacks(self) finally: self._acting = False @api_override
[docs] def postwrite(self, value): """Take some action post-write.""" self.set(value)
[docs] def postread(self, value): """Take some action post-read. Called at the end of :meth:`update`.""" self.set(value) return value
[docs] def modify(self, value): """Modify this keyword's value. This is the public function which should be called to change a keyword value.""" try: value = self.prewrite(value) except NoWriteNecessary: return self.write(value) self.postwrite(value)
[docs] def update(self): """Update the value by performing a read. This is the public function which should be called when the keyword is read.""" self.preread() value = if value is not None: return self.postread(value) return value
[docs]class Service(_BaseService): """A dispatcher is a KTL service server-side. A class encapsulating a basic representation of a complete KTL service. The `name` argument is case sensitive, and will be used to locate (and load) the service's KTLXML representation. The `config` argument specifies the stdiosvc configuration file that will be used when loading the stdiosvc front-end. The `setup` function will be called to properly instantiate all keywords associated with this :class:`Service` instance; it accepts a :class:`Service` instance as its sole argument, and should instantiate :class:`Keyword.Basic` objects directly. If any keywords are not instantiated, they will be given placeholder "cacheing" :class:`Keyword.Basic` instances of the appropriate type (string, integer, etc.). See :func:`setupOrphans` for an example. If `dispatcher` is specified, only keywords corresponding to that dispatcher number will be instantiated. Parameters ---------- name : str the Service name. config : str the stdiosvc configuration filename, or the Cauldron configuration filename. setup : callable a function which will be called to set up the keywords for this service. dispatcher : str, optional The name of the dispatcher to use for this service. If not provided, all keywords will be used. """ name = None _DISPATCHER = True def __init__(self, name, config, setup=None, dispatcher=None): super(Service, self).__init__(name=name) self._config = read_configuration(config) self._configuration_location = config if isinstance(config, six.string_types) else "???" self.dispatcher = dispatcher if dispatcher else "DEFAULT" self.log = logging.getLogger("DFW.Service.{0}".format("Starting Service '{0}' using backend '{1}'".format(, registry.dispatcher.backend)) self._keywords = {} self.status_keyword = None try: self.xml = ktlxml.Service( except Exception as e: if STRICT_KTL_XML: raise warning = CauldronXMLWarning("KTLXML was not loaded correctly. Keywords will not be validated against XML. Exception was {0!s}.".format(e)) warnings.warn(warning) self.log.warning(str(warning)) self.xml = None else: # Implementors will be expected to assign Keyword instances # for each KTL keyword in this KTL service. for keyword in self.xml.list(): if self.dispatcher == get_dispatcher_XML(self, keyword): self._keywords[keyword] = None self._prepare() if setup is not None: setup(self) self.setupOrphans() self.begin() @property def _Keyword_cls(self): """Get the keyword class.""" from Cauldron import DFW return DFW.Keyword.Keyword
[docs] def keywords(self): """The list of available keywords""" return list(sorted(self._keywords.keys()))
[docs] def setStatusKeyword(self, keyword): """Set the status keyword value.""" keyword = self[keyword] if self.status_keyword == keyword: return False self.status_keyword = keyword return True
[docs] def setupOrphans(self): """Set up orphaned keywords, that is keywords which aren't attached to a specific keyword class.""" for name, keyword in self._keywords.items(): if keyword is None: dispatcher = get_dispatcher_XML(self, name) if dispatcher == self.dispatcher: self._setupOrphan(name)
def _setupOrphan(self, name): """Set up a single orphan.""" from Cauldron import DFW try: xml = self.xml[name] ktl_type = ktlxml.getValue(xml, 'type') cls = DFW.Keyword.types[ktl_type] except Exception as e: if STRICT_KTL_XML: raise warnings.warn(CauldronXMLWarning("XML setup for orphan keyword {0} failed: {1}".format(name, str(e)))) cls = DFW.Keyword.Keyword try: cls(name, service=self) except WrongDispatcher: pass else: warnings.warn(CauldronWarning("Set up an orphaned keyword {0} for service {1} dispatcher {2}".format( name,, self.dispatcher ))) @api_override def _prepare(self): """This method is called once the configuration has been read, but before setup. It provides an implementation-dependent way to take action after the system has been configured, but before any keywords are available.""" pass
[docs] def begin(self): """Send any queued messages.""" for keyword in self: if keyword is None: continue if keyword.initial is not None: # Ensure that if this keyword was already written to, # we don't overwrite the already written value. if keyword.value is not None: initial = keyword.value else: initial = keyword.initial try: keyword.set(initial) except ValueError as e: self.log.error("Bad initial value '%s' for '%s'", initial, self.log.error(str(e)) self._begin()
@abc.abstractmethod def _begin(self): """Implementation-dependent startup tasks should be handled here. This method is called when :meth:`begin` is done setting initial keyword values.""" pass # pragma: no cover def __getitem__(self, name): """Get a keyword item.""" name = str(name).upper() try: keyword = self._keywords[name] except KeyError: return self.__missing__(name) if keyword is None: return self.__missing__(name) return keyword def __missing__(self, key): """What to do with missing keys.""" return self._Keyword_cls(key, self) def __setitem__(self, name, value): """Set a keyword instance in this server.""" if not isinstance(value, Keyword): raise TypeError("value must be a Keyword instance.") name = str(name).upper() if name not in self._keywords: if not STRICT_KTL_XML: if self.xml is not None: warnings.warn(CauldronXMLWarning("service '{0}' does not have a keyword '{1}' in XML".format(, name))) else: raise KeyError("service '%s' does not have a keyword '%s'" % (, name)) if name in self._keywords and self._keywords[name] is not None: raise RuntimeError("cannot set keyword '%s' twice" % (name)) self._keywords[name] = value def __contains__(self, name): """Check for name in self""" if self.xml is not None: return (str(name).upper() in self.xml and STRICT_KTL_XML) or (str(name).upper() in self._keywords and not STRICT_KTL_XML) return str(name).upper() in self._keywords def __iter__(self): """Iterator over self.""" return six.itervalues(self._keywords)
[docs] def get(self, name, default=None): """Get a keyword.""" return self._keywords.get(str(name).upper(), default)
[docs] def broadcast(self): """Called to broadcast all values to ensure that the keyword server matches the keyword.""" for keyword in self: value = keyword['value'] if value != None: keyword._broadcast(value)
[docs] def shutdown(self): """Shutdown this keyword server.""" pass # pragma: no cover
def __del__(self): """When this service is deleted, shut it down.""" self.shutdown()