Source code for Cauldron.local.client

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import absolute_import

import weakref
import warnings
import logging
import threading

from six.moves import queue
from .dispatcher import Service as Dispatcher
from ..base import ClientService, ClientKeyword
from ..base.core import Task as _BaseTask
from ..exc import CauldronAPINotImplementedWarning, CauldronAPINotImplemented, ServiceNotStarted, DispatcherError
from .. import registry

__all__ = ['Service', 'Keyword']

class LocalTask(_BaseTask):
    """A simple object to mock asynchronous operations."""
    def __call__(self):
        """Make sure that errors are properly set."""
        super(LocalTask, self).__call__()
        if self.error is not None:
            self.error = DispatcherError(str(self.error))
class LocalTaskQueue(threading.Thread):
    def __init__(self, name, log=None):
        super(LocalTaskQueue, self).__init__(name="Task Queue for {0:s}".format(name))
        self.queue = queue.Queue()
        self.log = log or logging.getLogger("ktl.local.TaskQueue.{0:s}".format(name))
        self.daemon = True
        self.shutdown = threading.Event()
    def run(self):
        """Run the task queue thread."""
        while not self.shutdown.isSet():
                task = self.queue.get()
                if task is None:
                    raise queue.Empty
            except queue.Empty:
    def stop(self):
        """Stop the task-queue thread."""
            self.queue.put(None, block=False)
        except queue.Full:

[docs]class Keyword(ClientKeyword): @property def source(self): """The source of knowledge about this keyword.""" return self.service._dispatcher[] def _ktl_reads(self): """Is this keyword readable?""" return not self.source.writeonly def _ktl_writes(self): """Is this keyword writable?""" return not self.source.readonly def _ktl_monitored(self): """Determine if this keyword is monitored.""" return self._update in self.source._consumers
[docs] def monitor(self, start=True, prime=True, wait=True): if prime: if start: self.source._consumers.add(self._update) else: self.source._consumers.discard(self._update)
def _read_task(self, unused): result = self.source.update() self._update(result)
[docs] def read(self, binary=False, both=False, wait=True, timeout=None): if not self['reads']: raise ValueError("Keyword '{0}' does not support reads, it is write-only.".format( task = LocalTask(None, self._read_task, timeout) self.service._thread.queue.put(task) if wait: result = task.get(timeout=timeout) return self._current_value(binary=binary, both=both) else: return task
def _write_task(self, value): self.source.modify(value) self._update(self.source.value) return self._current_value()
[docs] def write(self, value, wait=True, binary=False, timeout=None): _call_msg = lambda : "{0!r}.write({1}, wait={2}, timeout={3})".format(self, value, wait, timeout) if not self['writes']: raise ValueError("Keyword '{0}' does not support writes, it is read-only.".format( # User-facing convenience to make writes smoother. try: value = self.cast(value) except (TypeError, ValueError): #pragma: no cover pass task = LocalTask(value, self._write_task, timeout) self.service._thread.queue.put(task) if wait: self.service.log.debug("{0} waiting.".format(_call_msg())) result = task.get(timeout=timeout) self.service.log.debug("{0} complete.".format(_call_msg())) return else: return task
[docs] def wait(self, timeout=None, operator=None, value=None, sequence=None, reset=False, case=False): if sequence is not None: return sequence.wait() raise CauldronAPINotImplemented("Asynchronous operations are not supported for Cauldron.local")
[docs]class Service(ClientService): def __init__(self, name, populate=False): try: self._dispatcher = Dispatcher.get_service(name) except KeyError: raise ServiceNotStarted("Service '{0!s}' is not started.".format(name)) super(Service, self).__init__(name, populate) self._thread = LocalTaskQueue(name, self.log) self._thread.start()
[docs] def shutdown(self): """Shutdown this client.""" if hasattr(self, '_thread'): self._thread.stop() super(Service, self).shutdown()
[docs] def has_keyword(self, name): """Check for the existence of a keyword.""" return name in self._dispatcher._keywords
[docs] def keywords(self): """Return the list of all available keywords in this service instance.""" return self._dispatcher.keywords()
def _ktl_type(self, key): """Return the KTL type of a named keyword.""" return self._dispatcher[key].KTL_TYPE