Source code for Cauldron.utils.helpers

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import abc
import textwrap
import re
import inspect
from ..exc import CauldronAPINotImplemented, CauldronAPINotImplementedWarning

    from astropy.utils.decorators import wraps
except ImportError:
    from functools import wraps

__all__ = ['api_not_implemented', 'api_not_required', 'api_required']

def _inherited_docstring(*clses):
    """Make a class inherit docstrings."""
    for cls in clses:
        for bcls in inspect.getmro(cls):
            if ('__doc__' in bcls.__dict__ and 
                bcls.__dict__['__doc__'] is not None and 
                bcls.__dict__['__doc__'].strip() != ''):
                return bcls.__dict__['__doc__']
        raise ValueError("Can't find an inheritable docstring for {0!r}".format(cls))

def _docstring_left_indent(docstring):
    """Compute the left indent from a docstring."""
    lines = docstring.expandtabs().splitlines()
    if len(lines) > 1:
        matches = ['(\S)', line) for line in lines[1:] ]
            left_indent = min(match.start() for match in matches if match)
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError("Malformed docstring '{0:s}'".format(docstring))
        left_indent = 0
    return left_indent

def _append_to_docstring(docstring, text):
    """Append `text` to `docstring` preserving indentation rules."""
    left_indent = _docstring_left_indent(docstring)
    newlines = [''] + text.splitlines()
    newlines = [ (' ' * left_indent) + newline for newline in newlines ]
    docstring += "\n" + "\n".join(newlines)
    return docstring
def _prepend_to_docstring(docstring, text):
    """Prepend `text` to `docstring` preserving indentation rules."""
    left_indent = _docstring_left_indent(docstring) * ' '
    newlines = [''] + text.splitlines()
    newlines = [ left_indent + newline for newline in newlines ]
    docstring = "\n" + "\n".join(newlines) + ("\n" + left_indent) * 2  + docstring
    return docstring

[docs]def api_not_implemented(func): """A decorator to correctly set the API not implemented.""" func.__doc__ = _append_to_docstring(func.__doc__, textwrap.dedent(""" .. warning:: `{0}` is not implemented in the Cauldron version of the KTL API. """.format(func.__name__))) @wraps(func) def api_not_implemented(*args, **kwargs): """Sub-function to handle API not implmeneted.""" raise CauldronAPINotImplemented("The Cauldron API does not support '{0}'.".format(func.__name__)) return api_not_implemented
[docs]def api_not_required(func): """A decorator to mark a function as implementing a not-required API""" func.__doc__ = _append_to_docstring(func.__doc__, textwrap.dedent(""" .. note:: Cauldron backends are not required to implement this function. If the do not, it will raise an :exc:`CauldronAPINotImplemented` error. """)) @wraps(func) def api_not_required(*args, **kwargs): """Sub-function to handle API not implmeneted.""" raise CauldronAPINotImplemented("The Cauldron API does require support of '{0}'.".format(func.__name__)) return api_not_required
[docs]def api_required(func): """A decorator to mark a function as abstract and requiring a backend implementation.""" func.__doc__ = _append_to_docstring(func.__doc__, textwrap.dedent(""" *This is an abstract method. Backends must implement this method* """)) return abc.abstractmethod(func)
def api_override(func): """A decorator to mark a function as something subclasses can override.""" func.__doc__ = _append_to_docstring(func.__doc__, textwrap.dedent(""" *This method can be overridden to provide specific behavior in user subclasses.* """)) return func class _Setting(object): """A settings object, which can be passed around by value.""" def __init__(self, name, value, lock=None): super(_Setting, self).__init__() = name self.__value = value self._lock = lock @property def value(self): """Setting's boolean value""" return self.__value @value.setter def value(self, new_value): """Set the new value.""" if self._lock is not None and self._lock: raise RuntimeError("Setting '{0}' is locked by '{1}', can't change value.".format(, self.__value = bool(new_value) @property def inverse(self): """A setting which is always the inverse of this setting.""" return _SettingInverse(self) def __invert__(self): """Handle inversion.""" return _SettingInverse(self) def __repr__(self): """Represent this value""" return "<Setting {0}={1}>".format(, self.value) def __bool__(self): """Cast this setting to it's own boolean value.""" return bool(self.value) def __nonzero__(self): """Cast setting to a boolean value (Python 2)""" return self.__bool__() def on(self): """Turn this setting on.""" self.value = True def off(self): """Turn this setting off.""" self.value = False class _SettingInverse(_Setting): """The inverse of a setting object.""" def __init__(self, setting): self.__setting = setting super(_SettingInverse, self).__init__(name = "~{0}".format(, value = not setting, lock=setting._lock) @property def value(self): """Get this setting's value.""" return not self.__setting.value @value.setter def value(self, new_value): """Set this setting's value.""" self.__setting.value = not new_value