Source code for Cauldron.ext.declarative.descriptor

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Implement the declarative descriptor.
from __future__ import absolute_import

import weakref
from .events import _DescriptorEvent, _KeywordEvent
from .utils import descriptor__get__, hybridmethod
from ...utils import ReferenceError
from ...exc import CauldronException

__all__ = ['KeywordDescriptor', 'DescriptorBase', 'ServiceNotBound', 'ServiceAlreadyBound', 'IntegrityError']

[docs]class ServiceNotBound(CauldronException): """Error raised when a service is not bound to a descriptor.""" pass
[docs]class ServiceAlreadyBound(CauldronException): """Error raised when a service is already bound to a descriptor.""" pass
[docs]class IntegrityError(CauldronException): """Raised to indicate an instance has a differing initial value from the one in the keyword store.""" pass
[docs]class DescriptorBase(object): """A keyword descriptor base class which assists in binding descriptors to keywords. This class should be used as a base class for any class that will use :class:`KeywordDescriptor` to describe :mod:`Cauldron` keywords as attributes. This class provides a :meth:`bind` method to associate a :mod:`Cauldron` Service with the descriptors on this class. There are two stages to binding: 1. Set the DFW Service for these keywords via :meth:`bind`. This can be done at the class level. 2. Bind an instance to the the service. This can be done at __init__ time. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """This initalizer tries to bind the instance, if it can.""" super(DescriptorBase, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) try: self.bind() except ServiceNotBound as e: # We swallow this exception, because the instance may not be # bound to a service. pass @classmethod
[docs] def keyword_descriptors(cls): """Iterate over the keyword descriptors which are members of this class.""" for var in dir(cls): try: member = getattr(cls, var) if isinstance(member, KeywordDescriptor): yield member except Exception: # We don't know what happened here, but there are lots of ways # to override class-level attribute access and screw this up. pass
@hybridmethod def bind(self, service=None): """Bind a service to the descriptors in this class. This method can be called either on the class or the instance. On the class, it associates a particular Cauldron KTL Service with the the keywords which are attached to this class. For an instance, it associates the Cauldron KTL Service if provided, and links the callback methods appropriately. :param service: The KTL Cauldron Service, or None, to bind to the keywords attached to this object. :raises: :exc:`ServiceNotBound` if there is no KTL Cauldron Service associated with this instance. """ try: for desc in self.keyword_descriptors(): desc.bind(self, service) except ServiceNotBound as e: raise ServiceNotBound("In order to bind this object's keyword descriptors, " "you must set the appropriate service via the bind(service=...) method.") @bind.classmethod
[docs] def bind(cls, service=None): """Classmethod implementation of bind. See :meth:`bind` above.""" if service is None: raise ServiceNotBound("In order to bind this object's keyword descriptors, " "you must set the appropriate service via the bind(service=...) method.") for desc in cls.keyword_descriptors(): desc.service = service
[docs]class KeywordDescriptor(object): """A descriptor which maintains a relationship with a keyword. The descriptor should be used as a class level variable. It can be accessed as a regular instance variable, where it will return the result of :meth:`Keyword.update` operations. Setting the instance variable will result in a :meth:`Keyword.modify` operation. Parameters ---------- name : str Keyword name. Case-insensitive, will be translated to upper case. initial : str Keyword initial value, should be a string. If not set, no initial value is used and the descriptor will return ``None`` before the keyword is bound. type : function A function which converts an inbound value to the appropraite python type. The python type returned by this function should be suitable for use as a string to modify the keyword. doc : str The docstring for this keyword descriptor. readonly : bool Set this keyword descriptor to be read-only. writeonly : bool Set this keyword descriptor to be write-only. """ _EVENTS = ['preread', 'read', 'postread', 'prewrite', 'write', 'postwrite', 'check'] _service = None _bound = False def __init__(self, name, initial=None, type=lambda v : v, doc=None, readonly=False, writeonly=False): super(KeywordDescriptor, self).__init__() = name.upper() self.type = type self.__doc__ = doc if readonly and writeonly: raise ValueError("Keyword {0} cannot be 'readonly' and 'writeonly'.".format( self.readonly = readonly self.writeonly = writeonly # Prepare the events interface. self._events = [] for event in self._EVENTS: evt = _DescriptorEvent(event, replace_method=True) setattr(self, event, evt) self._events.append(evt) # We handle 'callback' separately, as it triggers on the keyword's _propogate method. #TODO: We should check that this works with DFW and ktl builtins, its kind of a hack # here # Note the distinction is important, replace_method=False in this case. self.callback = _DescriptorEvent("_propogate", replace_method=False) self._events.append(self.callback) self._name_attr = "_{0}_name_{1}".format(self.__class__.__name__, self._attr = "_{0}_{1}".format(self.__class__.__name__, self._initial = initial self._orig_initial = initial self._bound = False @property def name(self): """Keyword name""" return self._name @name.setter def name(self, value): """Set the keyword name.""" if self._bound: raise ServiceAlreadyBound("Can't change the name of the keyword after the service has bound to it.") self._name = str(value).upper()
[docs] def set_bound_name(self, obj, value): """Set a bound name.""" if self._bound: raise ServiceAlreadyBound("Can't change the name of the keyword after the service has bound to it.") # Set the new name value. setattr(obj, self._name_attr, str(value).upper()) # Compute the initial value. try: initial = str(self.type(getattr(obj, self._attr, self._initial))) except TypeError: # We catch this error in case it was caused because no initial value was set. # If an initial value was set, then we want to raise this back to the user. if not (self._initial is None and not hasattr(obj, self._attr)): raise attr = "_{0}_{1}".format(self.__class__.__name__, str(value).upper()) setattr(obj, attr, initial)
def __repr__(self): """Represent""" try: repr_bind = " bound to {0}".format(self.service) if self.service is not None else "" except ReferenceError: repr_bind = "" return "<{0} name={1}{2}>".format(self.__class__.__name__,, repr_bind) @descriptor__get__ def __get__(self, obj, objtype=None): """Getter""" if self.writeonly: raise ValueError("Keyword {0} is write-only.".format( try: return self.type(self.keyword(obj).update()) except ServiceNotBound: name = getattr(obj, self._name_attr, attr = "_{0}_{1}".format(self.__class__.__name__, name.upper()) return self.type(getattr(obj, attr, self._orig_initial)) def __set__(self, obj, value): """Set the value.""" if self.readonly: raise ValueError("Keyword {0} is read-only.".format( try: return self.keyword(obj).modify(str(self.type(value))) except ServiceNotBound: name = getattr(obj, self._name_attr, attr = "_{0}_{1}".format(self.__class__.__name__, name.upper()) return setattr(obj, attr, self.type(value)) def _bind_initial_value(self, obj): """Bind the initial value for this service.""" # We do this here to retain a reference to the same keyword object # thoughout the course of this function. keyword = self.keyword(obj) attr = "_{0}_{1}".format(self.__class__.__name__, # Compute the initial value. try: initial = str(self.type(getattr(obj, attr, self._initial))) except TypeError: # We catch this error in case it was caused because no initial value was set. # If an initial value was set, then we want to raise this back to the user. if not (self._initial is None and not hasattr(obj, attr)): raise else: if getattr(obj, attr, self._initial) is None: # Do nothing if it was really None everywhere. pass elif keyword['value'] is None: # Only modify the keyword value if it wasn't already set to anything. keyword.modify(initial) elif keyword['value'] == initial: # But ignore the case where the current keyword value already matches the initial value pass else: raise IntegrityError("Keyword {0!r} has a value {1!r}, and descriptor has initial value {2!r} which do not match.".format(keyword, keyword['value'], initial)) # Clean up the instance initial values. try: delattr(obj, attr) except AttributeError: pass self._initial = None
[docs] def bind(self, obj, service=None): """Bind a service to this descriptor, and the descriptor to an instance. Binding an instance of :class:`DescriptorBase` to this descriptor activates the listening of events attached to the underlying keyword object. Binding an instance of :class:`DescriptorBase` to this descriptor will cause the descriptor to resolve the initial value of the keyword. This initial value will be taken from the instance itself, if the descriptor was modified before it was bound to this instance, or the initial value as set by this descriptor will be used. When the initial value conflicts with a value already written to the underlying keyword, :exc:`IntegrityError` will be raised. If this descriptor has already been bound to any one instance, the descriptor level initial value will not be used, and instead only an instance-level initial value may be used. Parameters ---------- obj : object The python instance which owns this descriptor. This is used to bind instance method callbacks to changes in this descriptor's value. service : :class:`DFW.Service.Service` The DFW Service to be used for this descriptor. May also be set via the :attr:`service` attribute. """ if service is not None and not self._bound: self.service = service elif service is not None and != and self._bound: raise ServiceAlreadyBound("Service {0!r} is already bound to {1}".format(self.service, self)) # if not self._bound: self._bind_initial_value(obj) for event in self._events: _KeywordEvent(self.keyword(obj), obj, event) self._bound = True
@property def service(self): """The DFW Service associated with this descriptor.""" return self._service @service.setter def service(self, value): """Set the service via a weakreference proxy.""" def _proxy_callback(proxy, weakself=weakref.ref(self)): self = weakself() if self is not None: self._bound = False self._service = weakref.proxy(value, _proxy_callback) @service.deleter def service(self): """Delete service.""" self._service = None
[docs] def keyword(self, obj): """The keyword instance for this descriptor.""" name = getattr(obj, self._name_attr, try: return self._service[name] except (AttributeError, TypeError, ReferenceError): raise ServiceNotBound("No service is bound to {0}".format(self))