Source code for Cauldron.types

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Keywords can have differing python types. The types provide validation and sanitization
for keyword values.

In the KTL python API, keyword types are implemented separately for clients and dispatchers. In this module,
a single class heirarchy is implemented for clients and dispatchers. Keyword types override parent class methods
to provide the necessary behavior, though at a minimum, Keyword types simply set the ``_type`` class attribute
to a python type.

from __future__ import absolute_import

import warnings
import types
import sys
import abc
import six
import logging
from .exc import CauldronAPINotImplementedWarning, CauldronXMLWarning
from .api import guard_use, STRICT_KTL_XML, BASENAME, CAULDRON_SETUP
from .base.core import _CauldronBaseMeta
from .bundled import ktlxml
from . import registry
from .utils.helpers import _inherited_docstring, _prepend_to_docstring

__all__ = ['KeywordType', 'Basic', 'Keyword', 'Boolean', 'Double', 'Float', 'Integer', 'Enumerated', 'Mask', 'String', 'IntegerArray', 'FloatArray', 'DoubleArray', 'dispatcher_keyword', 'client_keyword', 'ClientKeywordType', 'DispatcherKeywordType']

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

_dispatcher = set()
[docs]def dispatcher_keyword(cls): """A decorator to mark classes which should also be exposed in the DFW.Keyword module.""" _dispatcher.add(cls) return cls
_client = set()
[docs]def client_keyword(cls): """A decorator to mark classes which should also be exposed in the ktl.Keyword module.""" _client.add(cls) return cls
def _generate_keyword_subclass(basecls, subclass, module): """Generate a single keyword subclass.""" if getattr(subclass, '__doc__', None) is not None: doc = _prepend_to_docstring(_inherited_docstring(basecls), subclass.__doc__) else: doc = _inherited_docstring(basecls) cls = type(subclass.__name__, (subclass, basecls), {'__module__':module, '__doc__':doc}) subclass._subcls = cls return cls def generate_keyword_subclasses(basecls, subclasses, module): """Given a base class, generate keyword subclasses.""" for subclass in subclasses: yield _generate_keyword_subclass(basecls, subclass, module) def _setup_keyword_class(kwcls, module): """Set up a keyword class on a module.""" if kwcls.KTL_TYPE is not None: module.types[kwcls.KTL_TYPE] = kwcls for alias in kwcls.KTL_ALIASES: module.types[alias] = kwcls if not hasattr(module, kwcls.__name__): # Don't replace already existing keywords. setattr(module, kwcls.__name__, kwcls) module.__all__.append(kwcls.__name__) @registry.client.setup_for('all') def setup_client_keyword_module(): """Generate the Keyword module""" guard_use("setting up the ktl.Keyword module") basecls = registry.client.Keyword from .ktl import Keyword for kwcls in generate_keyword_subclasses(basecls, _client, module="{0}.ktl.Keyword".format(BASENAME)): _setup_keyword_class(kwcls, Keyword) Keyword.__all__ = list(set(Keyword.__all__)) @registry.dispatcher.setup_for('all') def setup_dispatcher_keyword_module(): """Set up the Keyword module""" guard_use("setting up the DFW.Keyword module") basecls = registry.dispatcher.Keyword from .DFW import Keyword for kwcls in generate_keyword_subclasses(basecls, _dispatcher, module="{0}.DFW.Keyword".format(BASENAME)): _setup_keyword_class(kwcls, Keyword) Keyword.__all__ = list(set(Keyword.__all__)) @six.add_metaclass(_CauldronBaseMeta)
[docs]class KeywordType(object): """A base class for all subclasses of KTL Keyword which implement a type specialization. The name of each type specialization is available as the :attr:`KTL_TYPE` class attribute. """ KTL_TYPE = None """The KTL-API type name corresponding to this class.""" KTL_ALIASES = () """A list of additional KTL-API type names that can be used with this class.""" _subcls = None @classmethod def _is_dispatcher(cls, args, kwargs): """Get the service argument.""" if "service" in kwargs: return getattr(kwargs["service"],'_DISPATCHER', None) for i,arg in enumerate(args): if i > 1: break if not isinstance(arg, six.string_types): return getattr(arg, '_DISPATCHER', None) return None @classmethod def _get_cauldron_basecls(cls, dispatcher=None): """Get the Cauldron basecls.""" if dispatcher is None: raise RuntimeError("Generic KeywordType shouldn't try to subclass itself.") elif dispatcher is True: registry.dispatcher.guard("initializing any keyword objects.") return registry.dispatcher.Keyword else: registry.client.guard("initializing any keyword objects.") return registry.client.Keyword @classmethod def _make_subclass(cls, basecls): """Make a Cauldron subclass.""" if cls.__dict__.get('_subcls',None) is None or not issubclass(cls._subcls, basecls): cls._subcls = type(cls.__name__, (cls, basecls), {'__module__':cls.__module__, '__doc__':cls.__doc__}) return cls._subcls def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): if cls.KTL_TYPE is None: dispatcher = cls._is_dispatcher(args, kwargs) basecls = cls._get_cauldron_basecls(dispatcher) if not issubclass(cls, basecls): newcls = cls._make_subclass(basecls) return newcls.__new__(newcls, *args, **kwargs) # See for why this is necessary. # Basically, because some child may override __new__, we must override it here to never pass arguments to the object.__new__ method. if super(KeywordType, cls).__new__ is object.__new__: return super(KeywordType, cls).__new__(cls) return super(KeywordType, cls).__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(KeywordType, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class DispatcherKeywordType(KeywordType): """Keyword type for dispatchers.""" @classmethod def _get_cauldron_basecls(cls, dispatcher): """Get the Cauldron basecls.""" assert dispatcher in (None, True) registry.dispatcher.guard("initializing any keyword objects.") return registry.dispatcher.Keyword
[docs]class ClientKeywordType(KeywordType): """Keyword type for ktl clients.""" @classmethod def _get_cauldron_basecls(self, dispatcher): """Get the Cauldron basecls.""" assert dispatcher in (None, False) registry.client.guard("initializing any keyword objects.") return registry.client.Keyword
class _NotImplemented(KeywordType): """An initializer for not-yet implemented keywords which emits a warning.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): warnings.warn("{0} Keywords aren't yet implemented. Defaulting to a {1} keyword.".format(self.__class__.__name__, self.__class__.__mro__[1].__name__), CauldronAPINotImplementedWarning) super(_NotImplemented, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) @dispatcher_keyword
[docs]class Basic(KeywordType): """The base class for KTL and DFW keywords.""" KTL_TYPE = 'basic'
@dispatcher_keyword @client_keyword
[docs]class Keyword(Basic): """An alias for :class:`Basic`""" pass
@dispatcher_keyword @client_keyword
[docs]class Boolean(Basic): """A boolean-valued keyword.""" KTL_TYPE = 'boolean' mapping = {True: '1', '1': '1', 'true': '1', 't': '1', 'yes': '1', 'on': '1', False: '0', '0': '0', 'false': '0', 'f': '0', 'no': '0', 'off': '0'} def _type(self, value): """Return the python type for a value.""" if value not in '01': raise ValueError("Booleans must have ascii values of '0' or '1'. Bad value {0!r}".format(value)) return value == '1'
[docs] def translate(self, value): """Translate the value.""" try: return self.mapping[value] except KeyError: try: return self.mapping[value.lower()] except (AttributeError, KeyError): pass raise ValueError("Keyword {0} only accepts valid boolean values. Bad value {1!r}".format(, value))
[docs] def prewrite(self, value): """Check value before writing.""" return super(Boolean, self).prewrite(self.translate(value))
[docs]class Double(Basic): """A numerical value keyword.""" KTL_TYPE = 'double' _type = float
[docs] def translate(self, value): """Translate the value into something we can deal with.""" return str(float(value))
[docs] def postread(self, value): """Post read """ return super(Double, self).postread(self._type(value))
[docs]class Float(Double): """A numerical value keyword.""" KTL_TYPE = 'float'
@client_keyword class Numeric(Double): """A numerical value keyword.""" KTL_ALIASES = ('float',) @dispatcher_keyword @client_keyword
[docs]class Integer(Basic): """An integer value keyword.""" KTL_TYPE = 'integer' _type = int minimum = -pow(2, 31) maximum = pow(2, 31) - 1
[docs] def cast(self, value): """Cast through float""" return int(float(value))
[docs] def check(self, value): """Check range against allowed KTL values.""" if not (self.minimum < self.cast(value) < self.maximum): raise ValueError("Keyword {0} must have integer values in range {1} to {2}".format(, self.minimum, self.maximum)) super(Integer, self).check(value)
[docs] def increment(self, amount=1): """Increment the integer value.""" value = self.cast(self.value) if self.value is not None else 0 self.set(str(value + int(amount)))
[docs] def translate(self, value): """Check value before writing.""" return str(self.cast(value))
[docs] def postread(self, value): """Translate the value for python binary return.""" return super(Integer, self).postread(self.cast(value))
class Enumeration(dict): """The key-value pairs for enumeration""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Enumeration, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.enums = set(self.values()) def __setitem__(self, key, value): value = str(value) super(Enumeration, self).__setitem__(str(key).lower(), value) self.enums.add(value) def __getitem__(self, key): return super(Enumeration, self).__getitem__(str(key).lower()) def load_from_xml(self, xml): """Load enumeration values from XML""" values = None for entry in xml.childNodes: if entry.nodeName == 'values': values = entry if values != None: for entry in values.childNodes: if entry.nodeName == 'entry': key = ktlxml.getValue (entry, 'key') value = ktlxml.getValue (entry, 'value') lower = value.lower () self[lower] = key @dispatcher_keyword
[docs]class Enumerated(Integer): """An enumerated keyword, which uses an integer as the underlying datatype.""" KTL_TYPE = 'enumerated' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # We override __init__ so we can set up # the enumerated values. super(Enumerated, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.values = Enumeration() try: xml = self.service.xml[] self.values.load_from_xml(xml) except Exception as e: if STRICT_KTL_XML: raise warnings.warn("XML enumeration setup for keyword '{0}' failed. {1}".format(, e), CauldronXMLWarning) @property def keys(self): """The keys available.""" return self.values.enums
[docs] def prewrite(self, value): return super(Enumerated, self).prewrite(self.translate(value))
[docs] def translate(self, value): """Translate to the enumerated value""" if str(value).lower() in self.keys: value = str(value).lower() elif str(value).lower() in self.values: value = self.values[str(value).lower()] else: raise ValueError("Bad value for enumerated: '{0}' not in {1!r}".format(value, self.values)) return value
[docs]class Mask(Basic, _NotImplemented): KTL_TYPE = 'mask'
@dispatcher_keyword @client_keyword
[docs]class String(Basic): """An ASCII valued keyword, implemented identically to :class:`Basic`.""" KTL_TYPE = 'string'
[docs]class IntegerArray(Basic, _NotImplemented): KTL_TYPE = 'integer array'
[docs]class DoubleArray(Basic, _NotImplemented): KTL_TYPE = 'double array'
[docs]class FloatArray(DoubleArray): KTL_TYPE = 'float array'